Latest News:
Important Instruction
- The School session / Terms are in accordance with CBSE Pattern, the school observes the academic session from April to March.
- The School observes summer break from 20th May to 20th June, winter break from 1st jan to 10th jan
School Timing
Summer: 7:30a.m. to 1:30p.m.
Winter: 8:00a.m. to 2:10p.m.
Our Aim
The aim of the school is to impart public school education with a firm moral values and social values. Over the years, it has been stering the conductive atmosphere by promoting educational excellence in the field of academics. Besides, imparting learning skills, stresses on education to be the most important instrument for the transmission of culture and values. Inculcation of a sense of respect in the young minds of their culture and also a desire to discharge their responsibilities to their family, society, country and humanity.
What We Teach
- Be loyal to the school, parents, people and country
- Be disciplined and obedient.
- Be dutiful, studious and sincere.
- Be truthful, honest and hard working
- Chose the harder right instead of the easier wrong
- Be pure in thought and dead courteous and polite in conduct with everybody
- Do not lie, cheat and steal
- Your honor is supreme, place service before self.
Visiting Hours
Principal: 8:30a.m. to 10:30 a.m in budhi vihar and 11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. in kashiram.
Office: 8:00a.m. to 1:30p.m.
Teachers: 1:00p.m. on last Saturday(Summer)
2:00p.m. on last Saturday(Winter)
- Whenever we have a function/celebration in our school, students will wear their dress from home according to their program
- Holiday will be held as per the DM’s Order